The problem of postpartum depression

Sooner or later, every woman sees two cherished stripes on the test, sometimes unexpectedly, and often after months or years of long planning, and from that moment her life changes, at first lightly and practically imperceptibly, then stronger and under the influence of hormones of joy and her own sensations, growing, inside her, life, a woman easily overcomes all the hardships of pregnancy. When a long-awaited miracle appears, you do not believe your eyes, at last, the most important thing in life has happened, here it is happiness, small, screaming, infinitely loved. So why on arrival home, where we are surrounded by relatives, do we begin to feel unhappy friends?

We need to adjust ourselves to the realization that millions of women are faced with the problem of postpartum depression and it is not new. 4 out of 10 women face it. It is necessary to overcome this and, perhaps, understanding the essence of this problem will help the young mother to quickly adapt to new conditions and sensations for her.

It is important to understand that it’s impossible to become a bad mother for a week, because a woman waited for the baby, cherished and cared for him.

The whole fault is the restructuring of the hormonal background. Banal fatigue after childbirth, nedosyp and nervous overexertion.

Cares lying on the female shoulders before the birth, have not gone away, it’s still the same ironing, cleaning, cooking, laundry, plus another, requiring the lion’s share, attention and care baby.

After all, any young mother imagines caring for a child as something light, light and not difficult. In fact, everything may not be so rosy. Many future mothers do not look at all in their conscience for the childbirth, they are preparing, of course, to buy a crib, diapers, clothes and other necessary things, but do not think about what awaits them after the birth of a baby.

And often face the problem of postpartum depression, many overcome it themselves, finding the strength and ability to overcome malaise. But there is a category of women who need help, most often it’s just the support of the beloved man and the happy father of the family. After all, it is not so difficult to take on a part of the difficulties that have fallen to the lot of the young mother. Sometimes it’s just morally to support, not sparing kind words for your beloved.

If for some reason the husband can not help, then you should contact relatives or friends, people who love and support in any situation. Do not be shy, because to ask for help, it’s quite natural for the inexperienced, yet, Mom.

There is also a third category of women who will need the help of qualified specialists, because postpartum depression can turn into a long and acute form and it is important to notice and provide help in time to avoid irreparable consequences.

In any case, do not think that this form of depression is nonsense and wind up itself, considering a bad mother. It is not right.

Be attentive to your feelings and the improvement will not keep you waiting.

It’s such a miracle to raise a baby and enjoy every success, new achievements and skills.